XM|News & Topics

Financial Services Commission (FSC)(license number 000261/397)

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  1. XM Brings Free Education to Traders in Peru'18

    News & Topics


    XM Brings Free Education to Traders in Peru'18

    We are glad to announce that our next CFD trading seminar series started in South America earlier this summer will soon

  2. XM Seminar Series to Reach Three More Stops in Thailand'18

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    XM Seminar Series to Reach Three More Stops in Thailand'18

    The forex trading seminar road trip started in Thailand this summer will soon reach as many as three further destinations in September:

  3. CFD Seminar Concluded with Resounding Success in Mexico'18

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    CFD Seminar Concluded with Resounding Success in Mexico'18

    Following our recent visit to Colombia, we continued our way to three different event locations in Latin America

  4. XM Hosts Exclusive Trading Seminar in Bangkok'18

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    XM Hosts Exclusive Trading Seminar in Bangkok'18

    XM will host an intensive trading seminar in Bangkok, Thailand, on 15th September, where we look forward to welcoming all our existing

  5. XM Took Part at The Forex Day Financial Expo'18

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    XM Took Part at The Forex Day Financial Expo'18

    Since the beginning of 2018, XM has attended several financial events in different parts of the world, the latest of which was The Forex Day Financial Exhibition

  6. XM Sponsored Investors' Gala Event in Rome'18

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    XM Sponsored Investors' Gala Event in Rome'18

    On 30th June, an exclusive event took place in Rome, Italy, with the sponsorship of XM: the exclusive Investors' Gala.

  7. XM Summer Seminar Series Reaches Bangkok and Chiang Mai'18

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    XM Summer Seminar Series Reaches Bangkok and Chiang Mai'18

    Online investors truly dedicated to developing their trading skills with the XM education had again the opportunity to learn from the best.

  8. XM to Host Technical Analysis Seminar in Manila'18

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    XM to Host Technical Analysis Seminar in Manila'18

    It is our pleasure to inform our clients that XM will host a further forex trading seminar in Manila, the Philippines, on 25th August 2018.

  9. Important Notification - July Bank Holidays 2018'18

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    Important Notification - July Bank Holidays 2018'18

    We would like to inform our clients that due to Establishment Day of Hong Kong and Independence Day in the United States of America,

  10. Important Notice - Turkish General Election'18

    News & Topics


    Important Notice - Turkish General Election'18

    We would like to inform our clients that considering our recent notification about the Turkish General Election,

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