XM|News & Topics
Starting in February 2019: Free Forex Seminar Series in Thailand'19
Staying true to our commitment to provide professional forex education to online investors across several continents
Further XM Forex Seminar Series Coming Up in Latin America in 2019'18
We are pleased to inform our existing and prospective clients that many more forex trading seminars will soon take place throughout Latin America
XM Grand Seminar 2019 in Kuala Lumpur'18
During XM's 6 years continued presence in Malaysia, we have attributed great importance to hosting on-site free forex seminars
Soon: XM 2019 Forex Seminar Series in Mexico'18
It is our great pleasure to announce the upcoming 2019 forex trading seminar series to be hosted by XM throughout Mexico,
XM 2019 Forex Seminar Series Commencing in the Philippines'18
We are very pleased to announce the commencement of a new intensive forex trading seminar series in the Philippines
XM Hosts 4th Anniversary Festive Gala in Bangkok'18
In celebration of four consecutive years of successful business presence in Thailand, XM hosted the annual gala in Bangkok
XM Attended World of Trading Expo for the Third Time'18
For the third time now, XM was proud to attend the annual financial exhibition World of Trading in Frankfurt,
Important Notification - US National Day of Mourning'18
We would like to inform you that the United States will observe a National Day of Mourning to honor the former US president
XM Sponsored Exclusive Investors' Gala in London'18
On 24th November, XM had the privilege to sponsor one more exclusive gala dedicated to the investor community,
XM Attended ITForum Financial Expo in Milan'18
On 27th and 28th November, we were pleased to return to Italy and participate at the annual ITForum investment and trading exhibition,