XM|News & Topics

Financial Services Commission (FSC)(license number 000261/397)

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  1. XM Visited Cairo and Alexandria with a Forex Trading Seminar'19

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    XM Visited Cairo and Alexandria with a Forex Trading Seminar'19

    This spring, XM hosted two forex seminars in quick succession in Egypt, namely in Cairo and in Alexandria,

  2. XM Forex Seminar Series Continues Across Malaysia'19

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    XM Forex Seminar Series Continues Across Malaysia'19

    After having visited numerous cities throughout Malaysia since the beginning of 2019, XM continues its seminar series in many more locations

  3. XM Participated at FPG MoneyExpo 2019 Trade Fair in Prague'19

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    XM Participated at FPG MoneyExpo 2019 Trade Fair in Prague'19

    This spring XM attended a series of financial exhibitions across Europe, the latest of which, FPG MoneyExpo,

  4. XM Attended Invest Trade Fair 2019 in Stuttgart'19

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    XM Attended Invest Trade Fair 2019 in Stuttgart'19

    This April has been the sixth time now for XM to attend financial exhibitions organised in Germany,

  5. Important Notice - Turkish Lira Waived'19

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    Important Notice - Turkish Lira Waived'19

    We would like to inform our clients that considering our recent notification regarding the Turkish Lira,

  6. XM Forex Seminars Concluded in Penang, Melaka, Kedah'19

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    XM Forex Seminars Concluded in Penang, Melaka, Kedah'19

    Between 23rd February and 30th March, our XM staff members, alongside professional forex instructor Mohd Helmi Izani,

  7. XM Participated at Investing Napoli Financial Expo'19

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    XM Participated at Investing Napoli Financial Expo'19

    This spring one of the largest online investing related international financial exhibitions took place in Italy,

  8. Important Notification: Temporary Trading Restrictions on TRY Currency Pairs'19

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    Important Notification: Temporary Trading Restrictions on TRY Currency Pairs'19

    We would like to inform our clients that in light of the volatility of the Turkish Lira and in order to protect our clients

  9. XM Charity Donations for Children's Welfare in Southeast Asia'19

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    XM Charity Donations for Children's Welfare in Southeast Asia'19

    During March, XM organized as many as two consecutive charity donations in Southeast Asia,

  10. XM Forex Seminars Held in Korat and Hat Yai with Success'19

    News & Topics


    XM Forex Seminars Held in Korat and Hat Yai with Success'19

    Our forex trading seminar series begun earlier this spring across Thailand reached two further event locations in March,

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