XM|News & Topics

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  1. XM Hosts Successful Seminar Series in the Philippines'19

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    XM Hosts Successful Seminar Series in the Philippines'19

    For all those passionate about forex trading and determined to accumulate new knowledge about trading strategies, XM hosted further seminars in the Philippines between 14th September and 12th October.

  2. XM Returns to Italy to Attend ITForum Milan 2019'19

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    XM Returns to Italy to Attend ITForum Milan 2019'19

    For the sixth time now, XM will attend ITForum in Italy, and this time in the capital of Lombardy, Milan, on 27th November.

  3. XM Celebrates at 5th Anniversary Grand Gala in Bangkok'19

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    XM Celebrates at 5th Anniversary Grand Gala in Bangkok'19

    Traditionally, XM commemorates significant company milestones side by side with clients, with whom we have built strong bonds throughout the years, and the latest of such festive events took place in the Thai capital on 5th October.

  4. Join Our Seminar in Athens on Trend Following Strategies'19

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    Join Our Seminar in Athens on Trend Following Strategies'19

    On 23rd November, XM hosts a forex seminar and workshop in the Greek capital, Athens, to offer traders the opportunity to join an informative educational event about investment techniques and strategies.

  5. XM Hosts Confluence Trading Seminar in Kuala Lumpur'19

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    XM Hosts Confluence Trading Seminar in Kuala Lumpur'19

    The most recent scene of the extensive seminar series of XM hosted throughout Malaysia was Kuala Lumpur on 12th October, where we had yet again the pleasure of welcoming a great many retail traders who took part to gain a better understanding of forex trading techniques.

  6. XM Forex Trading Seminar Tour Reaches Three African Countries'19

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    XM Forex Trading Seminar Tour Reaches Three African Countries'19

    Between 21st September and 12th October XM had the pleasure of welcoming clients to forex trading seminars hosted in as many as three different countries in Southeast and East-Central Africa: Mozambique, Uganda and Kenya.

  7. XM Forex Seminars Reached Bogotá and Santiago de Chile'19

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    XM Forex Seminars Reached Bogotá and Santiago de Chile'19

    With over fifteen forex seminars held in Latin America since this January, XM continues with its on-site seminar series in many different countries across the Western Hemisphere to provide professional forex education to a growing number of forex traders.

  8. Forex Technical Analysis Seminars Concluded in Morocco'19

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    Forex Technical Analysis Seminars Concluded in Morocco'19

    In the second part of September, XM welcomed numerous Moroccan traders at the free forex seminars organised in the cities of Casablanca and Agadir.

  9. XM Attended Salon du Trading 2019 in Paris'19

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    XM Attended Salon du Trading 2019 in Paris'19

    For the second time this year, XM attended an international trade fair in the French capital dedicated to online investing.

  10. XM Forex Seminars Held Successfully in Kota Bharu and Miri'19

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    XM Forex Seminars Held Successfully in Kota Bharu and Miri'19

    Guided by the belief that education is key in forex, XM hosted two further seminars in Malaysia, namely in the cities of Kota Bharu on 21st and in Miri on 22nd September, offering online investors the chance to attend each event for free and learn useful details about forex trading techniques.

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